Health and safety in the workplace

Environmental Ethics

For the Environment Bergamo Espansi is committed to protecting the health of its people, natural resources and the environment. Bergamo Espansi actively promotes sustainable and responsible industrial development, which is appreciated by local communities. This commitment goes beyond compliance with the law, encouraging the integration of best environmental practices into all company decisions.

As far as technologically possible, all production phases are required to reduce environmental impact: particular attention is paid to the application and constant development of technologies that allow energy and water savings, the reduction of emissions, including greenhouse gases, and the adoption of waste recycling strategies.
All products manufactured within the supply chain must meet the highest environmental standards of the relevant market segment, both for the materials and substances used and for the related health, safety and manufacturing environment processes. In the design and development of products and manufacturing processes, Bergamo Espansi is actively engaged in researching increasingly advanced technological solutions aimed at reducing waste and pollutants, conserving resources and recycling materials, in order to promote sustainable development and minimise environmental impact.

  • Every Bergamo Espansi employee actively contributes to reducing waste and pollutants, preserving resources and recycling materials. In particular, he undertakes to: separate waste, in accordance with the procedures in force at the various sites
  • minimise water consumption, reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

Each Senior Manager shall promote environmental awareness, sensitising employees on environmental sustainability issues, and ensure that they adopt responsible behaviour.

Rely on us


QUALITY for Bergamo Espansi means pursuing excellence through high quality and timely performance aimed at achieving company objectives and customer satisfaction through:

  • Commitment
  • Customer focus

To date Bergamo Espansi can count on 70% of the plant being refurbished.

In the last 5 years Bergamo Espansi has replaced 50% of the presses; the New Boiler and New Compressors; installing latest generation machines improving product quality and reducing energy consumption.

In addition, closed cycle water recirculation has been optimised with the New Cooling Tower and hot air recirculation with the New Hot Chamber.

Health and safety in the workplace

Health and safety in the workplace Respect for individual and collective health is one of the imperative principles governing all BergamoEspansi's activities and, therefore, cannot be violated in any company decision or by any Employee. Bergamo Espansi pursues these primary objectives by implementing state-of-the-art technology in all its facilities and by means of specific training and communication activities aimed at making all Employees aware of these aspects.

Zero-accident is Bergamo Espansi's main priority in terms of safety in all its plants. Bergamo Espansi pursues this objective by committing itself to ensuring the safety of all its offices and plants in accordance with the highest applicable standards and by promoting awareness of this primary objective in all its Employees.

Contact Bergamo Espansi to submit your project to us.

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